I am amazed and ecstatic at the amount of support that I have received in the short amount of time that I've started my blogging adventures. Thanks to all who have strolled past my page to show me a little love. It has not gone unnoticed and it is fully appreciated.
As a token of my appreciation, I will be giving away a handmade Superman card for Father's Day. I love creating handmade items as this is a more genuine and heartfelt way of showing anyone that you truly care for them. Because you've all shown me such great support, I am extending the love back to you with this handmade gift
I'm not sure how this giveaway will go yet, hence the question mark in the title. I'd like to get more of your feedback and I'll set up the rules once I get enough input
Please stay tuned to see how to enter this giveaway!
Thanks again to all!
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